
Deep within the human heart,

A yearning for connection starts,

A primal need, a sacred call,

To find our place, to stand tall.

We seek to link with others near,

To bridge the gap, to hold them dear,

Yet the truest bond we long to find,

Lies in the depths of our own mind.

To know ourselves, our cells so true,

To uncover what we're meant to do,

This is the connection we desire,

A love so pure, a soul's own fire.

In this embrace, we find our way,

Our purpose shines, a guiding ray,

For when we love ourselves complete,

Our highest potential we meet.

This journey, a sacred dance,

To find the self, to take a chance,

For in this union, we shall see,

The true essence of you and me.

Yearning for bonds that stir the soul,

A primal need that makes us whole,

We seek connection, deep and true,

To find the self we long to know.

Beyond the ties that bind us here,

A greater love, a sacred sphere,

Dwells within, a guiding light,

To unveil our essence, infinite.

In this journey of self-discovery,

We uncover our true destiny,

The purpose that our hearts hold dear,

The highest potential, ever near.

Euphoric bliss, a rapturous state,

As we embrace the love innate,

The cells that make us who we are,

Revealing the divinity, a shining star.

This connection, the most profound,

A union where our souls resound,

In this embrace, we finally see,

The beauty of our true being.


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