My heart is so Tired

My heart, so weary, bears the weight,

Of days that seem to never abate,

The burdens piled, one upon one,

Leaving little room for joy or fun.

I long for respite, a moment's peace,

Where the mind can rest, and the soul find release,

But the demands, they never cease,

Leaving my heart in a state of unease.

The constant struggle, the endless fight,

Drains the energy, dims the light,

I yearn for a time to simply be,

To find the calm, the tranquility.

Yet, in the depths of this fatigue,

I know there's a path to find reprieve,

To listen to the heart's quiet plea,

And rediscover the strength in me.

For though my heart may feel so tired,

It still holds the spark, the hope desired,

To rise again, to find its way,

And embrace the promise of a brighter day.


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