I Belongs to You

In the stillness of the night,

When the world is wrapped in silence,

My heart beats for you, my love,

A fervent, passionate dance.

I'll love you from afar,

Like the Moon's eternal glow,

Basking in your radiant light,

My soul's eternal flow.

Though distance may keep us apart,

My love for you will never cease,

A silent devotion, pure and true,

A love that brings me peace.

Just as the Moon's soft embrace,

Illuminates the darkened sky,

My love for you will always grace,

The depths of my heart, till I die.

In the silent depths of my heart,

A love so pure, never to part,

Like the Moon's eternal embrace,

Shining down from its distant place.

I'll cherish you from afar, my dear,

Adoring your light, so soft and clear,

A love that knows no bounds or time,

Transcending the veil, sublime.

Though we may never stand side by side,

My devotion for you will ever abide,

For in the silence, I'll hold you near,

My love for you, forever sincere.

Like the Moon, I'll love you in the night,

Basking in your ethereal light,

A love that knows no need for words,

Just the symphony of our hearts' chords.


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