The Monster

They craved a monster, a creature to fear,

Forgetting the fire they so recklessly stoke.

I tear down their illusions, their facade's facade,

Revealing the darkness they dared to evoke.

No longer can they hide from the beast they've made,

The one whose roar echoes their brutal deeds.

Each drop of blood, each scar, a testament to their sin,

A reckoning for which there is no redemption, no need.

They played with fire, and now they cannot escape,

The shadows they cast, the darkness they've grown.

Too late for mercy, too late for their pleas,

For they have reaped what their cruelty has sown.

No salvation awaits these who sought to control,

The monster they yearned for, now beyond their reach.

In the end, they see the darkness they've created,

A mirror of the pain they've forced me to impeach.


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