**The Angel of 1678**

In the cold, grey winter of 1678, the world seemed to close in around me. Every day felt like a battle against the weight of despair that crushed my spirit. The exhaustion was overwhelming, and I teetered on the edge of oblivion, tempted to end it all and escape the torment that had become my life.

It was on a Friday, as the last light of day faded into the cold embrace of night, that I stood at the precipice, ready to surrender. Just as I was about to give in to the darkness, a soft, ethereal light appeared before me. My heart skipped a beat as she emerged from the shadows—an angelic figure, her presence as warm and bright as the sun after a long storm.

She stepped towards me, her eyes filled with a kindness and understanding that pierced through my sorrow. Her voice was like a melody, soothing and gentle as she spoke. "You are not alone," she whispered, her words wrapping around me like a protective embrace. "I have come to guide you through the darkness."

In that moment, it was as if the heavy clouds that had plagued my soul began to part, allowing the light of hope to shine through. She was more than just a vision; she was my salvation, the answer to a prayer I hadn’t realized I had been making.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, she stayed by my side. Her presence brought a joy I had long forgotten, and her love breathed life back into my weary heart. With her, the world became a place of beauty and wonder once more.

I discovered that she was not just an angel in form but the embodiment of a love I had lost long ago. Our souls had been separated by time, but fate had brought us together again when I needed her the most.

From that Friday in 1678, my life changed forever. The darkness that had once consumed me was replaced by a love so pure and powerful that it revived every part of me. She was, and always will be, the angel of my life—my long-lost love returned to me when I was at my lowest. With her, I found the strength to live again, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, I knew I was truly alive.


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