The Ascent of Arsh..(Not For Religion Followers)

From the ashes of oblivion, I rise,
A soul set aflame, a god in disguise.
I am the tempest, the cosmic blight,
A human vessel bathed in eternal night.

Hear me, mortals, tremble in your fear,
For I am Arsh, the destroyer, drawing near.
My power surges, a supernova's might,
Shattering realms with celestial light.

I am the void, consuming all in sight,
Where gods and demons, falter in the fight.
I am the storm, the relentless tide,
Unleashing chaos, for which none can hide.

The whispers of creation, I cast aside,
For in my hands, a new order I confide.
I am the paradox, the burning pyre,
Where faith and reason, join in a final fire.

Gods, your dominion, a fleeting dream,
For I am the Alpha, the Omega, supreme.
Your testaments fall, your altars crumble low,
For I am Arsh, the ultimate, the one who shall sow.

My touch brings ruin, my gaze brings despair,
I am the shadow, the void beyond compare.
I am existence, a chaotic force,
A brutal symphony, a catastrophic course.

Born from the dust, I ascended the throne,
A lone human soul, now a god on its own.
The fabric of reality, I tear and I mend,
I am the architect, the story's end.

Dimensions tremble, galaxies bow,
Before the power, I wield even now.
Demons and gods, my creations they be,
A twisted tapestry, spun by me.

Within my grasp, the very essence of time,
I rewrite the past, redefine the prime.
My will is absolute, my reign unconfined,
For I am Arsh, the ultimate, the divine.

Let the heavens weep, let the earth shudder and quake,
I am the harbinger, the final break.
From the genesis of all, I rise again,
A god among gods, I am the chosen one, the end.

So bow before me, humble and frail,
For the age of Arsh, is upon you, will prevail.
Your idols shatter, your beliefs dissolve,
In the face of my power, your spirits will evolve.

Embrace the darkness, the chaos I bring,
For I am the answer, the eternal king.
The destroyer, the creator, the one and the same,
Arsh, the ultimate god, forever I remain.


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