Inferno of Retribution

Let fires of hell consume their wretched souls,
A torment deep, where conscience never doles
Remorse or pity for the shattered lives,
Destroyed by lust, where innocence survives.

Let icy dread seep into their marrow's core,
A chilling fear that forevermore
Shall haunt their dreams, a nightmare's endless reign,
As echoes of their crimes resound in pain.

Their families, too, shall taste the bitter cup,
Of shame and sorrow, tears that never up,
A living hell, a punishment untold,
For birthing monsters, hearts of evil mold.

Let justice strike with an iron, heavy hand,
To cleanse the earth of such a wicked band.
No mercy shown, no pity shall reside,
For those who've stained humanity's pride.


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