Simulation of a quantum particle in a gravitational field.
A full simulation of a quantum particle in a gravitational field.
In this project, we do three things:
1. Stationary State Analysis:
We set up the time‐independent Schrödinger equation for a particle in a gravitational potential
-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\frac{d^2\psi}{dz^2} + mg\,z\,\psi = E\,\psi,
2. Analytical Comparison via Airy Functions:
For the linear potential with a hard wall at , the ground state solution is known (up to normalization) to be given by an Airy function
\psi(z) \propto \mathrm{Ai}\Bigl(\frac{z-E/(mg)}{z_0}\Bigr),
3. Time Evolution Simulation:
We then propagate an initial Gaussian wave packet using the Crank–Nicolson scheme to solve
i\hbar\frac{\partial\psi}{\partial t} = H\psi,
%% Quantum Particle in a Gravitational Field: Full Simulation and Analysis
% This script performs:
% (i) A stationary state analysis of a quantum particle in a gravitational field,
% (ii) A comparison of the numerical ground state with the analytical Airy function solution,
% (iii) A time-dependent simulation of an initial Gaussian wave packet using the Crank–Nicolson method.
% The physical system obeys:
% - (ħ^2/(2m)) d^2ψ/dz^2 + mg*z*ψ = E ψ, with ψ(0)=ψ(L)=0.
% The analytical ground state is approximated by:
% ψ(z) ∝ Ai((z - E/(mg)) / z0),
% where z0 = (ħ^2/(2*m^2*g))^(1/3) and the first zero of Ai(–x) is ~2.3381.
% This code is entirely original while drawing on standard methods from quantum mechanics.
clear; clc; close all;
%% 1. Define Physical Constants and Domain
hbar = 1.0545718e-34; % Reduced Planck constant [J·s]
m = 1.675e-27; % Mass of neutron [kg]
g = 9.81; % Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
% Characteristic length scale for gravitational quantum states
z0 = (hbar^2/(2*m^2*g))^(1/3);
% Spatial domain
L = 100e-6; % Domain length: 100 micrometers
N = 1500; % Number of grid points
z = linspace(0, L, N)'; % Spatial grid (column vector)
dz = z(2) - z(1); % Spatial step size
%% 2. Build the Hamiltonian via Finite Differences
% Second derivative using central finite differences:
D2 = (diag(ones(N-1,1), 1) - 2*diag(ones(N,1), 0) + diag(ones(N-1,1), -1)) / dz^2;
% Gravitational potential: V(z) = m*g*z
V = m * g * z;
H = - (hbar^2/(2*m)) * D2 + diag(V);
%% 3. Stationary States: Eigenvalue Problem
numStates = 4; % Number of eigenstates to compute
[eigVecs, eigValMat] = eigs(H, numStates, 'smallestreal');
eigValues = diag(eigValMat);
[sortedEigValues, sortIdx] = sort(eigValues);
stationaryStates = eigVecs(:, sortIdx);
% Normalize the eigenfunctions
for k = 1:numStates
stationaryStates(:,k) = stationaryStates(:,k) / sqrt(trapz(z, abs(stationaryStates(:,k)).^2));
% Display the computed eigenvalues in electron-volts (eV)
energies_eV = sortedEigValues / 1.60218e-19;
disp('Computed Energy Levels (eV):');
% Plot the probability densities of the stationary states
hold on;
colors = jet(numStates);
for k = 1:numStates
plot(z*1e6, abs(stationaryStates(:,k)).^2, 'Color', colors(k,:), 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Position (micrometers)');
ylabel('Probability Density');
title('Stationary States in a Gravitational Field');
legend('State 1','State 2','State 3','State 4');
grid on;
hold off;
%% 4. Analytical Ground State via Airy Function
% For a linear potential with a hard wall at z=0, the ground state energy is determined by:
% Ai(-E/(m*g*z0)) = 0.
% The first zero of the Airy function is approximately a1 = 2.3381, hence:
a1 = 2.3381;
E1_analytical = m * g * a1 * z0; % Ground state energy
% The analytical ground state (unnormalized) is:
psi_air = airy((z - E1_analytical/(m*g)) / z0);
% Normalize the analytical solution:
psi_air = psi_air / sqrt(trapz(z, psi_air.^2));
% Plot the numerical ground state vs. the analytical Airy function solution:
plot(z*1e6, abs(stationaryStates(:,1)).^2, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2); hold on;
plot(z*1e6, psi_air.^2, 'r--', 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Position (micrometers)');
ylabel('Probability Density');
title('Ground State: Numerical vs. Analytical Airy Function');
legend('Numerical Ground State','Analytical Airy Function');
grid on;
%% 5. Time Evolution using Crank–Nicolson
% Define an initial Gaussian wave packet:
z_center = 50e-6; % Center of the packet at 50 micrometers
sigma = 5e-6; % Packet width (standard deviation)
psi_initial = exp(-((z - z_center).^2) / (2*sigma^2));
psi_initial = psi_initial / sqrt(trapz(z, abs(psi_initial).^2)); % Normalize
% Time evolution parameters:
dt = 1e-7; % Time step [s]
totalTime = 1e-4; % Total simulation time [s]
numTimeSteps = round(totalTime / dt);
% Precompute Crank–Nicolson matrices:
I = eye(N);
A = I - 1i * dt/(2*hbar) * H;
B = I + 1i * dt/(2*hbar) * H;
% Initialize wavefunction for time evolution:
psi_t = psi_initial;
% Set up figure for animation:
hPlot = plot(z*1e6, abs(psi_t).^2, 'LineWidth', 2);
xlabel('Position (micrometers)');
ylabel('Probability Density');
title('Time Evolution of a Quantum Wave Packet');
axis([0 L*1e6 0 max(abs(psi_t).^2)*1.2]);
grid on;
% Time-stepping loop:
for t = 1:numTimeSteps
psi_t = A \ (B * psi_t); % Crank–Nicolson update
psi_t = psi_t / sqrt(trapz(z, abs(psi_t).^2)); % Renormalize
% Update the plot every 20 time steps for performance:
if mod(t,20) == 0
set(hPlot, 'YData', abs(psi_t).^2);
title(sprintf('Time Evolution: t = %.2e s', t*dt));
Detailed Explanation
1. Parameter Setup:
The script begins by defining fundamental constants (ħ, m, g) and calculates the characteristic length scale which sets the scale for gravitational quantum states. The spatial domain is defined from 0 to 100 micrometers, discretized into 1500 points.
2. Hamiltonian Construction:
The second derivative is approximated using a central finite-difference scheme. The Hamiltonian operator is built as
H = -\frac{\hbar^2}{2m} \frac{d^2}{dz^2} + mg\,z,
3. Stationary States:
We solve the eigenvalue problem using MATLAB’s sparse eigenvalue solver. The lowest four eigenstates are computed and normalized. Their corresponding energies are displayed (converted into electron-volts) and plotted.
4. Analytical Comparison:
Using the known result for a particle in a linear potential, the analytical ground state is expressed in terms of the Airy function. With the first zero , the ground state energy is given by
E_1 = m\,g\,(a_1\,z_0).
5. Time Evolution:
An initial Gaussian wave packet is defined and propagated in time using the Crank–Nicolson method. This implicit method is unconditionally stable and updates the wave function via a linear system at each time step. The evolving probability density is animated to illustrate the dynamics under the gravitational potential.
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