Death & Me

Death, with curious eyes, approaches me,
Its question echoing, a child-like glee.
"Happy or sad?" it asks, a knowing tone,
As if it's seen the path I've weathered, alone.

I ponder the query, a lifetime's weight,
Recounting the losses that sealed my fate.
The scars that adorn my weathered armor,
Each one a testament to my former.

Heartbreaks that carved my very being,
Sins that made me a sinner, unforgiving.
The power that corrupted, the lives I took,
A devil's flesh, a soul no one couldook.

A specter of darkness, a harbinger of woe,
I stalk the innocent, their purity I sow,
A flesh of the devil, a destroyer of grace,
Leaving in my wake, a trail of widow's tears to trace.

For years I have reveled in sin's dark embrace,
A synonym of Satan, a corruptor of the race,
My life, a war of destruction, void of joy or pain,
A soul corrupted, with regrets that forever remain.

I am the killer of lives, the bringer of strife,
Stripping away the sanctity, the essence of life,
A corrupted spirit, with a heart turned to stone,
Seeking the embrace of Death, no longer to roam.

The time has now come, to face my final fate,
To walk with Death, to seal my tainted slate,
For in this abyss, where my soul has long been lost,I find no peace, only the weight of the lives I've cost.

Now the time has come, let me take flight,
With Death, my companion, into the night.
A corrupted soul, a life of strife,
Seeking solace in the void, the end of life.


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