Vampire Love ...... Dedicated To .....

 Hey, Listen...

I have walked this Earth for thousands of years...
I am timeless...The dark that whispers up your spine at night..
that is me...
I have Gone by many names over many lifetimes...
Cursed to walk the earth forever...
or until The Sun finally Claims me...

I am Vampyre in its truest form I live from the energy of others
I nourish my self with their blood...

I take only what is needed...mostly.
I descend from a place long gone in history never to be remembered or thought of. Its ruins lie under desert sands and bury all that remains of my clan.

I walk alone in life as it should be...
My Existence in solitude isn't so bad, like you it is filled with whatever pleasure, pain, or love I choose to create.

Yes...Vampires can fact, we love far more intensely than humans...
We have extreme gifts that come with a price...
Some say immortality is a gift...

but watching all that you care about die is torturous.

If you must have a name for me then most call me Nyte..for that is truly what i am The Night..the very darkness around you...and you will never see me unless I will it...The last request... Perhaps.


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