Blood in the dark

Stare into the dark,
your shadow consumes,
Your eyes reflect nothing,
pain in the mist, glooms.

I hear the silent screams,
Of the victims you graciously met,
The drip-drop of blood pools at my feet,
The wounds these people kept.

You open your crimson mouth,
A soul with vampire fangs,
The dead silently still,
Escaped, some people hang.

Excepting my fate,
I raise my head, chin to neck,
Welcoming you to drink,
everything you need, except.....

The numbers before, 
Did not want this fate,
They feared and hid from you,
You were something that they hate...

But I on the other hand,
am yours to drain, deplete,
Because the pain you will give me,
makes my happiness complete.

Please Pierce my skin,
let my life flow down your throat,
I desperately need to be like you...
Because this life that passes fills me with hope...

I cry out in pain,
I almost sound obsessed,
Now I walk the earth at night....
From the moment I take my last breath..


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