Hated for who you are or loved for who your not?

That question is most of the persons i this entire Earth kindaa confusing too but yo know what guys

Humans are free to do what they want, without this freedom there could be no morality. In such a case, no basis for what could be deemed as good or bad behavior in the eyes of a God because without freewill we would just be pre-programmed unable to change or alter what has already been laid out in front of us. There are only two things certain in each one of our lives, we live, and then we die, everything in between is up to the individual.

Hard determinism only clouds the mind if we are enslaved to thinking we are free, then those who believe that they have no control over life are going through life making decisions based on what they perceive as pre-determined. To say we have a path set for us is to make us no more than a robot, and because robots cannot discuss topics intelligently and cannot act intelligently in situations proves that theory wrong.

We all have identity each human individual is unique even twins are different. Our minds are just as unique as our fingerprints 

Every child is born with a unique set of personality traits. Ask any
woman who has given birth to two or more children and she will attest to
the fact that while still in the womb her children showed marked
differences in their behavior.  

We are all individualistic, meaning that we are all different in thinking.

Our minds are as different as our finger prints -
no two are identical. Palmistry also says the same
thing. Every human is unique. Not only do our
organs differ, but our personalities differ. Each
human develops different goals, and has special
traits or feelings which differ in a million
different ways from others.

Significant differences exist between the male and female brains. Although what follows has been meticulously gathered from the research and writings of leading scientists and psychologists, it is by no means a hard and fast rule or description of every man and every woman. Every person is different and unique.

That every person is unique and has an intrinsic worth. 

Everyone is different no matter what, although there are some people who are similar but not the same.

Aristotle once said, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be
able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Listening to
others' ideas may not be easy, but it could be an valuable way to
learn something new or change your perspective on life.

Philosophically speaking, you should always follow the good words of advice from elders and knowledgeable people about all these doubts. Don't take your own decision and get confused. I mean you should not jump into any hasty or wrong conclusions about this vital issue.

Hated... and loved... for who I am. Let's face it, some will love you and some will hate you for the same reasons. And.. not all see you the same.
 Let's people decide you just love your self... that's a best thing you can do for yourself.....    


  1. this is a great blog set up - you are very profound at times - i think i just like my self a lot <3 Lelly

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. First of all I would say it literally took the hell out of my brain to understand what you wrote..R.I.P. English. Had it been a bit comprehensive I would have atleast expressed my views with regard to this...

    1. First Thing... that's why i said My bogus thought All things are not patterned and settled that's why it's on the bogus thought Ishu....


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