Life Is A Curse Without You Sara ....... !!

Being pushed from this cloud of love
When I close my eyes,hit the ground
Though I keep falling faster than time
Still crash to memories without sound

Would have given up my life for you
You vowed that you would never leave
Yet here I am so cold and alone
Your words of love I always believed

No faith in God no trust in Love
Still breathing as life has just begun
Unleash sadness from my black heart
Or am I past the point of no return

Please come back to me my love
Can't live on memories of yesterdays
Needing your love back in my heart
Praying you'll come back to stay

Tired of drowning in my own tears
Pictures of your face fading away
Hope to come out of this midnight train
With your hands in mine someday

Waiting for you with open arms
How could I ever leave you
Always needed you here with me
To our love I'll always be true........


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