Random Thought....


It is upon every evening when we go to sleep we find ourselfs looking to the past of today, we question ourselfs in our own actions, words and thoughts pondering where did we come up with them, every man and women has thoughts, feelings, desires, passion, lust, hate and remorse the greed that kills and the hunger that fights to feed itself, in a world corrupt with such things good and bad there must be a equilibrium in the place known as earth, where one might find this? Some say in Religion by the aid of god or by the help of some higher power in questioning him or praying to him for help or aid in the time of need, while i feel its a bit ignorant while a good believer in god and jesus christ myself, one cannot believe they will be there to save you for everything, pick yourself in your time of weakness if you so find yourself alone, remember who you are and pick up the tools or parts you need to keep going, life is a long journey, make good friends, and be wary of untrustworthy fellows, a noble friend who purely looks to help or lend a hand in times of hardship is tough to find, so enjoy life to its fullest, when given a task try to work hard even if you feel your father or boss is a ***hole/annoying while they are giving you the task to do one thing they may be juggling the tasks of many consider this before you moan and groan, in the times when people become to selfish to aid one another that is when we know bad times are ahead for once we are to selfish to help a fellow human being we will crumble as a society looking for self greed, god only knows where we will be then, but to end on a more cheerful note, i wish all the best of lifes and the pleasures of grandeur that of which kings and queens enjoy, which need not be rich to enjoy since the best of pleasures in life and not requiring of rich quantitys of money only the resources of family, love and friends, do best at what you do and dont change for anyone, let you be good for you not good for someone else because they want you to be like them, i normally dont post bulletins but i hope those who do read enjoy some of the knowledge ive posted, but as i have said in the title, im just in a smart mood posting random stuff =).

A Nice day to all and a bright future on the horizen...

"It is not if we allow ourselfs to do bad things its only if we can accept it in the end when we are questioned before the god that asks you for the wrongs you've commited, can you accept that?"


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