
Dedicated To You soya.......

the long-missing piece of my life's curious puzzle,
the voice that whispers softly in my dreams,
the music that echoes and dances in my mind,
the living poem that speaks to my inner soul,
the other part of my being that makes me whole.
I searched for you everywhere...

on lonely windswept beaches in the first light of dawn
when solitude screamed loudly in my ears,
on crowded city streets in the press of haste and hurry
when everyone but me had somewhere else to go,
in a church's quietude where love and peace abide
and prayer is sometimes answered
I sought your face.

I searched inside my heart, in the emptiness of oneness,
where the meaning of fulfillment was not clearly defined,
and the purpose of my life remained a question to be answered,
longing only for acceptance and the simple joy of sharing,
I tried to find the patience to wait for you forever,
though I didn't know your face or the color of your eyes.

And just when I thought I'd surely never find you,
in a single missing heartbeat, you appeared...
and the endless hours of searching,
and the endless days of waiting,
and the endless nights of longing
were transformed when first our eyes met
to the promise of forever."


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