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Death & Me

Death, with curious eyes, approaches me, Its question echoing, a child-like glee. "Happy or sad?" it asks, a knowing tone, As if it's seen the path I've weathered, alone. I ponder the query, a lifetime's weight, Recounting the losses that sealed my fate. The scars that adorn my weathered armor, Each one a testament to my former. Heartbreaks that carved my very being, Sins that made me a sinner, unforgiving. The power that corrupted, the lives I took, A devil's flesh, a soul no one couldook. A specter of darkness, a harbinger of woe, I stalk the innocent, their purity I sow, A flesh of the devil, a destroyer of grace, Leaving in my wake, a trail of widow's tears to trace. For years I have reveled in sin's dark embrace, A synonym of Satan, a corruptor of the race, My life, a war of destruction, void of joy or pain, A soul corrupted, with regrets that forever remain. I am the killer of lives, the bringer of strife, Stripping away the sanctity,

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